Why Local Business Networking

Have you ever needed to find a reliable & trustworthy business or service to meet your needs?

Then you understand the value of Word of Mouth Referrals

We are Local Business Networking - a new, vibrant and refreshing business networking organisation which offers business networking opportunities with the sole aim of helping businesses grow and expand their network base - and of course, grow their sales.

Our Purpose & Goal 

Helping each other to grow your businesses through quality business referrals both from immediate group members and external referrals.  Also, through active participation and discussion, we want our members to learn more about each other’s business as well as the business landscape in general including upcoming changes that may affect us all.

Targeted Membership

We aim for specific industries and professions.  This enables the group to ensure that members can connect with other professionals who are relevant to their work or goals.  And we only restrict membership to only one business category, e.g. only on accountant or plumber business.

Active Participation

We encourage active participation from all members.  Through regular meetings, events, one-one meetings and if needed, online forums.  The more a business category membership can contribute, the more they build credibility, trust, and reassurance.

Value Exchange

While Local Business Networking does not impose strict membership guidelines, we do however strongly encourage each member provides value to the membership group.  This can be done by offering educational opportunities, mentorship programs, and job postings.

Supportive Environment

Our aim is to create a supportive environment where members feel comfortable networking and sharing information.  We do this by promoting a culture of respect and collaboration where no ‘voice’ is lesser than anyone else.


We aim to build our networking teams in terms of our members’ industries, professions, and backgrounds.  The more diverse the membership, the more dynamic and enriching networking experience.


Our leadership is driven to provide one singular outcome - value.  And the leadership team is committed to listening to feedback from members for improvement as well as setting the direction for Local Business Networking to ensure we meet our goals.


While leadership is responsible for setting the direction for Local Business Networking, we will also hold our members accountable for their participation and contributions.  This will be through tracking attendance, setting goals, and providing feedback.


We currently have an ever-evolving website & social media presence as well as the ability to host online attendance and meetings. 


Finally, dedicating your time to a Local Business Networking meeting must provide value to you as well as being enjoyable.  Our aim is to make every effort to create a fun and engaging environment for our members  through energetic, robust and entertaining discussions, member presentations and social events.

There is a one time membership fee of $90 (plus GST) with an ongoing monthly membership fee of $45 (plus GST).

Any food/beverage consumed will be at your expense, however, you may choose to contribute into a separate member pool on a monthly basis to cover your food/beverage consumption.

Contact us to find out more.

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